Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Project 52:50 Change is...

I had dreams.

Over this break, I was going to frequently post.

It was going to be heart-warming and full of sentiment and ideas of fun activities to do with your kiddos. Maybe even some yummy recipes.

Instead, I'm spending time with my kiddos and going to things like my niece's school concert and hanging with my sister and making the yummy recipes with my mom.

So, the blog has to wait.

And that's ok.


This is part of my Project 52. To see more, head over to the Styleberry Blog.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Project 52:48 & 49 Change is...

Last week I didn't post because we were on the road.

We're home. We're support raising and spending time with family and friends.

And, it's great... and we're busy and enjoying it. So, that's all for now.
Back to the fun!


This is part of my Project 52. To see more, head over to the Styleberry Blog.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Project 52:47 Change is...

Everyone writes obligatory “thankful” posts on Thanksgiving. I am no different. Ha. So, bear with me…

The change in seasons and the fact that time doesn’t stand still requires that we intentionally sit to reflect on what has happened in our lives. If we don’t, time will just keep on slipping away and we will not learn from what has happened or appreciate the path we have been led on that brought us to the point we are currently at.

There has been so much that has changed for us over the past year. From things that aren’t really a big deal even though they feel like it at the time, like the Little Mister moving from his crib to a “big boy bed,” to huge things that end up feeling totally normal and right, like moving our little family half way across the country.

So, I’m not going to make a list. There is no rhyme or reason to the order of these. But, I will take note of a few of the things in our lives that I’m so grateful for there are no words to express…

We’re grateful for each other.
We have done life apart. We had fun on the adventures God took us on during that time. We learned. We grew. We are coming to be grateful for that time in our lives. Even now, we could be single and exploring the world and doing all sorts of crazy things. But, we know that we are SO MUCH BETTER TOGETHER.

And, I know that there are bits and pieces of this journey that I would not be getting through so well without him. My best friend. My safety net. My safe place.

I’m so grateful God decided that our stories should include each other.

We’re grateful for our kids.
Our Little Mister and Little Miss light up our lives. They challenge us, make us laugh, melt our hearts, and bless us in so many ways. It is such a joy to watch them grow and learn.

My favorite moment with the Little Mister lately was one afternoon when we were driving home from camp and I turned off the truck (which is a very loud diesel and it is really hard to hear him from the back when we’re driving) and I heard this little voice singing, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Glory to God. Glory to God.” I’ll never forget that moment.

Our Little Mister is a bundle of energy. He is constantly on the go from the moment he wakes up til the moment he finally falls asleep (usually after playing and singing and talking to himself long after we’ve put him to bed). He has had accidents and we have had scares with him, but God has been so good to us and to him by protecting him. We’re just so grateful for him.

And, our Little Miss, our miracle baby. We’re so grateful that about 3 weeks after being told we were miscarrying her, she showed up on that ultrasound with a beautiful strong heartbeat. She is such a joy and is getting more beautiful everyday.

At nine months, this little one is getting into everything! She’s crawling all over, stealing her brother’s toys, saying “mama” and “dada” (correctly!), and growling just like her brother did. (Weird, I know)

We’re so grateful that she was the missing piece to our family. It didn’t necessarily feel like there was anything missing before she showed up, but once she was here, all felt right. 

These are her 1st through 9 month pictures

And, the way they love each other… I’m melting…

We’re grateful for our families
Each of our upbringings has contributed to the people we are today.

We’re thankful for how they make us laugh, for how they are a safe place for us, and for how they have turned from family to friends.

Oh, and I know that I brag about them all the time, but this seems like that appropriate time to remind you all that I have the GREATEST IN-LAWS EVER.

And, I’m so grateful that my mom is one of my best friends. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

And, that my kids have cousins. Love!

Ug, and my sisters! LOVE THEM! 

Plus Julie... who isn't in this pict.
Ok, I gotta stop or I’d start listing everyone individually…

We’re grateful for the friends we have on this journey.
Ug, my Core 4. Where would I be without them? Gosh, I miss them! I about 2 weeks I will be back in the presence of these women who have loved me through my good and bad, called me out when necessary, challenged me, prayed for me, let me cry in front of them, and helped me embrace the woman I am as the woman God made me to be. I’m so glad that even though we live states apart, they will always be part of my story. I just love them!

Maybe this time we can get a pict with Katie looking!  ;)

There are so many others who are so valuable to our journey.

I am so thankful for my grandparents, Ashbomb, Hollyberries, Teeny, AmberJeanie, Donna Burger, Stace, Jillybean, Amy Lynn, Lydia, Jess, and Donna K. You guys have changed my life in such great ways and I’m so thankful.

We’re also so grateful for the community and new friends we have found here in our new home! It’s awesome to have people we can work AND play with. I love that there are other new mommas here for me to talk with but there are more experienced mommas to learn from. I love that people don’t treat us like the “new kids on campus” but they have welcomed us warmly. I’m grateful that we are not spending this day alone. I love to watch the younger children get excited to see the Little Mister and to see the older children so excited to help take care of the Little Miss. We feel loved here and that feels nice.

I cannot write a post about gratefulness and not mention our supporters. You guys are the tool God used to get us to where we are and we literally could not be here to be a part of this awesome ministry without you guys. Seriously eternally grateful. There are not enough words to express how much we appreciate every single one of you. THANK YOU!!!

Other things I’m grateful for:
Coffee (yum).
The internet and other bloggers who let me know that I am not alone in needing tips on how to raise my babies, cloth diaper, clean and cook. (The Styleberry Blog and the Pioneer Woman are two of my fav’s)
Music. (And dance parties with my 2 year old in the kitchen)
Food. Man, are we blessed.
The mountains. Geez.
A beautiful home to raise our kiddos in.
Our truck. It’s a beast and I love it.
All the wild and wonderful ways we’ve seen God’s hand protecting us in the midst of crazy circumstances. (Maybe I’ll just do a separate post on that… there’s enough to tell for a whole new post!)

So, yeah, I don’t blame you if you didn’t read this whole thing. It’s just good for me to sit and express this stuff. There is so much more I could say.

Thanks for being part of our journey!

This is part of my Project 52. To see more, head on over to The Styleberry Blog.