Friday, May 25, 2012

Project 52:21 Change is...

Everything can be different when you're playing pretend with a 2 year old!

This momma is really really glad that Papa and the Little Mister were only pretending to smoke their (pretzel) cigars.  :)  I'm not quite ready for him to be old enough for real ones!


This is part of my Project 52. To see more, visit The Styleberry Blog

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Project 52:20 Change is...

Hubby left for CO last week. While that journey deserves a blog post of its own, for now I will leave you with the fact that he's gone, the kids and I are still living with my in-laws, waiting for support to come in so we can all move to CO.

I know when it's time to move it will seem too soon. We love living with family around. We are so blessed by our family. But, we're also ready. And, waiting.

And waiting...


Friday, May 11, 2012

Project 52: Change is...

Who knew that they could be such good friends when she's not even 3 months old yet?

Who knew how much my heart would melt when I see him wanting to constantly hug and kiss her?

Who knew how much she would light up when her brother comes near her?

Who knew that #2 would fit into our lives so seamlessly?

Who knew... and didn't tell me?!

I am blessed.

(and this is so late because I spent the day focusing on my kiddos)

This is my Project 52. To see more, head to The Styleberry Blog.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Project 52 Change is...

This past weekend we had the privilege of welcoming my husband's grandpa home from the Honor Flight. If you haven't heard about it, check it out here. The veteran's and a guest get on a plane EARLY in the morning and head to DC to visit the war memorial and spend the day being celebrated for the service they provided to our country.

They also have some fun surprises like mail call (where they receive letters from their family members thanking them for their service) and THOUSANDS of people welcoming them home when they touch back down at the airport. I've been to Mitchell International Airport when its been busy in the past but this was amazing! People were bunched together through the whole airport... all the way to the parking garage. When the parade of veterans came through, everyone stood and cheered, waved their flags, and held up the posters they made... for all 62 of them. Each vet had so many people step forward to shake their hands and say 'thank you.' Most vets and even most of their buddies for the day were crying by the time they reached where we were standing and cheering. They were preceded by the flag and followed by a whole bunch of bagpipes. It was so moving.

The reason why I have this as one of my change posts is because all throughout the night people were talking about how when the guys and gals came home from war, they were not celebrate for their efforts like they are now, thanks to the Honor Flight.

I think this is an amazing program and am so thankful that Gpa was able to participate. He was so happy and energetic for the rest of the week! These men and women need to know that our generations and the generations to follow are still mindful of and grateful for the freedom they provided us.

Thank a vet today.

To see more Project 52's head over to The Styleberry Blog.