Friday, March 16, 2012

Project 52-11 Part One (To-be-continued next Friday)

We've got a good thing going.

Between our 4 families there are 8 kids, ages 2 and under... and the oldest is only 2 and 3 months! The older group is within 5 months of each other and the younger group is within 5 months of each other!

We get together at least once a week (usually more than that) to remain sane. Ironically enough, the kids are there, too.  :)

The Hubby and I are wrapping up life in Green Bay this week and next week. We are packing up the house, cancelling our Y membership and internet account, etc. We are leaving Green Bay after 10 years of living here! (Crazy!)

It's a good thing. It's a really good thing. We're moving out west to follow my husband's dreams and to use his passion to serve people and share with them what life can be like when they enter into a relationship with God. We're so so excited for this next phase in our lives. We knew Green Bay was our temporary home. We knew He'd call us elsewhere.

What I didn't know is what I would have to say goodbye to.

I didn't know I was going to find some women to do the last 4 years with. I didn't know I was going to have a son and that he would have 3 best friends this young. I didn't know that kids so young could crack each other up! I had no idea that we would be so blessed to have people to do life with, to sharpen me, challenge me, comfort me, teach me, and so much more.

I didn't know I needed them.

And, now I don't know how to leave them.

So, I remain in denial.

And I force myself to be hopeful. Hopeful that I'll find similar relationships where we're moving. Hopeful that they'll offer my spot in our Core 4 to someone else who has no idea how much she needs this. Hopeful because we'll live together again some day in Heaven and then our great relationships will be PERFECT. Hopeful that I can do long-distance friendships well for the time-being. Hopeful for the times we get to come back and visit (or Skype).  ;)  And, hopeful that they'll be able to come visit me.

I wanted to write them each individual letters... but sitting here crying my eyes out I'm not sure I can bring myself to do it.

I better get back to packing!


ps: This is a part one because it is not easy to photograph 4 mommas and 8 kiddos with a self-timer and a tripod.  My beautiful sister is going to come take photos of us next week and I'll share them next Friday!

Check out more Project 52's here:  The Styleberry Blog


  1. Aww sweetie, that's heartbreaking :(
    Two things to be really glad about:
    1) Facebook!!! You'll be better connected now than you would have a few years ago!

    2) The Lord knows the plans He has for your future, and as a Christian, you can rest and relax. There's obviously some people out West who need to meet you, and your family.

    God Bless you , and hope to see you before you go! Love, Hope

  2. So can't really stop crying right now...I miss you already and am already trying to figure out when we can come and visit! God has been so good to us...we have been blessed with these kiddos and blessed with friendships and sisterhood that I never knew existed! You are amazing and for that I will become good at long distance and learn how to skype! Ok I love you and will see you soon (I can still say that so I will!). But really thank you for sharing your life, family and heart with us Kelley Tutas!

  3. Okay, so now it's kind of setting in....ah man! I was doing so well in denial and now it's coming too fast! I don't want to say good-bye, but in saying that I know it is for selfish reasons. You are such an amazing friend and I have loved every second of our friendship and so lucky and thankful for it as well! I am going to miss you so much.....and I know that Elijah is going to be asking "Jake coming too?" and "Go to Jake's house?" forever. On the other (non-selfish me) hand, I am so very excited for you guys and your new journey. I just know how happy you guys are going to be doing exactly what you've dreamed of, in an amazing place. What a torn place to very sad and so very excited/happy all at the same time. I know just what to think either way....God is good!

  4. And this makes it real. Apparently we all do denial well. Kelley you have become such a huge part of my life. I always had friends... decent friends. But I have always been a little envious of girls who had friends that they did everything with and friendships that seemed so real and alive. Then God gave me you three girls. I don't know why he has blessed me do, but I am so grateful that he has. You have gotten me through dome really tough timed and shared some really great times. Although I am so sad to see you go I am looking forward to sharing this really great time in your life with you. Long distance is doable and we will do it! We look forward to visiting and I think we will be just fine. See you soon!


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