Friday, January 9, 2015

Resolutions? The Word of the Year? Which do you do?

It's a new year!

Anyone else feeling completely bombarded by everyone's lists of resolutions and words for the year and good intentions?

As a mom of young kiddos, I know that I will break any resolution I make within a very short time.

So, I resolve to not make any resolutions.

Instead, I resolve (winkwink) to live intentionally this year.

Some people are picking a word to define who they want to be this year and I guess I like that idea because that's what I did.

I desire to be a woman of intention.

I am going to be intentional with:
  • the food I eat
    • more protein, more fiber, more water, consistent vitamins, less white sugar!
  • how I respond when my kids want my attention
    • really listen and respond well when they ask something or tell a story... not just enough to get them to move on.
  • with what I'm reading
    • spend time actually processing what I'm reading. This may mean reading less so that I can actually understand and remember what I've read. (In years past, I've read the number of book that ends the current year - example: I read 13 books in 2013. I thought about 15 books in 2015, but that is so unrealistic that I decided to take the pressure off myself and read to learn and process instead of reading to check it off my to-do list)
  • every time I take out my camera 
    • take the time to get it right in camera. Stop relying so much on post-processing.
  • do less so that I can do what I'm doing well

And, if you haven't read Shauna Niequist's blog post called Burn the Candles yet, go do it!
Hoping this motivates you for the new year.

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