Monday, October 21, 2013

Joy in the Journey - A review and GIVEAWAY!!! (Winner announced)

Well, the odds were pretty good for the few people who entered this giveaway. ;)
(I apologize to anyone who was having difficulty using my comment section. I heard that they weren't posting)

The winner is: Julie S. Contact me at kelleytutas (at) gmail (dot) com so I can send you your copy of the ebook! Congrats!


I'm so excited to be able to share this ebook with one of you!

Joy in the Journey is a compilation of 12 women's stories of how they were able to find joy through Christ in some of the toughest circumstances life can offer.

Joy in the Journey was a work God inspired in the heart of the wife of my worship pastor from our church in Green Bay, WI, when God had taken her family through several very challenging years.

There are stories of babies with health issues, delayed adoptions, financial disasters, lost babies, sick loved ones, infertility, etc.

Personally, we've gone through some heart-wrenching situations as well.

We were told we were most likely miscarrying our daughter.

We took a missionary position (we have to raise our own support) at a Christian camp in Colorado, and our 1 year old daughter started having seizures.

I lost control of our truck on a mountain pass and the truck and I rolled down the mountain, being stopped by trees. In that moment, we lost our only vehicle.

(See a few of these stories here and here)

We're looking for the peace that passes all understanding and hoping to answers to the big, fat question of 'why'?

Sometimes it doesn't get answered right away. Sometimes it doesn't get answered at all.

"And it’s hard to close the gap between what you thought would be and what God has actually put in front of you." - Ginny Mooney (Chapter 4)

That's why it's important to find joy in the journey.

In all honesty, some (read: most) days I find this really challenging.

I am learning to rely on God not day by day or situation by situation, but instead moment by moment.

I know we are blessed. I didn't miscarry that sweet girl. Her seizures are controlled by oral meds so far and she is developmentally right on track. We don't have a vehicle we can call our own yet and are waiting on answers for that one, but I walked away without a scratch.

This is where we practice resting in Him.

Lately, the song Perfect Peace by Laura Story has really been resonating with me. These lines in particular stand out, "Though I (God) may not calm the storms around you, you can hide in Me."

I think this takes practice. I get distracted by worries. But, friends, that is why is it so good to be reminded of others who are also trying to make this their reality. Dependence on God for peace and hope. Oh, how I want my soul to rest in Him. Even if He doesn't change my circumstances.

I hope you win this ebook because the stories are inspiring and encouraging.

They are stories of faithful followers who faced the kinds of heartache and questions we ourselves face. It is always good to know that you are not alone.

And, if you don't win, I encourage you to buy it anyway.
(You can do so by visiting their website HERE)

We're in this journey together. We all have things that are breaking our hearts and things that are worth rejoicing over. Let's do that together, friends.

Encourage someone today by simply letting them know that you are there for them, whether they are having a good day or a bad one. We can do this life together.

We're better together.  ;)

To enter this giveaway, we're keeping it simple.
Leave a blog post comment sharing how you have or hope to experience God's peace in uncertain circumstances and I'll use a random number generator to choose the winner on the night of October 26th.

Winner will be announced here on the blog on the morning of October 28th.

I hope it blesses you like it blessed me!


  1. God has shown us His peace when my husband lost his job the day before New Year's Eve many years ago (which lead us to a much better paying job), when we lost our third baby and had high risk pregnancies after that (but I am fine and my kiddos were all healthy), when our daughter had a car accident that totaled our car (it wasn't her fault, she walked away with a few aches but is fine, we are paying down debt faster because we don't have that car payment!), and many more examples with amazing details. Many of those details we didn't realize until a while after. Why do we ever doubt Him? We are SO glad you are safe, Kelley, and know God has a vehicle in the works for you and John, with even more amazing details to add to your story! :-)

    1. Hey! You win! Email me to get your copy of the book :)

  2. Just last the midst of suffering, pain and heartache I felt the presence of God throughout it all. I didn't even have to ask Him, He was already there, revealing His grace, showing us mercy - even in the midst of suffering I felt peaceful. All I had to do was receive the peace He was offering. Nobody ever expects to have a miscarriage, we certainly didn't, but the whole experience drew me closer to God than I have been in a long time. I know not everyone feels this way after a miscarriage, but as I follow Jesus and allow His workmanship on my life, I'm grateful I have a Savior who understands our pain and suffering and offers peace in the midst of this crazy, messed up world. I'm grateful for the process of redemption and sanctification. It's beautiful (and really hard)!

    Still praying for you guys. Car accidents are so scary. Lots of love to you! Oh, and I would love to win a copy of this ebook. :-)


I love to hear from you! Please leave me a note to let me know you dropped by!