Monday, May 9, 2011

iheartfaces - Motherhood

The theme over at iheartfaces this week is Motherhood. How fitting! I have loved my journey of motherhood since it started over a year ago. It is exciting, exhausting, tender, sweet, frustrating, etc. The little cowpoke lights up my life. I'm so thankful that my husband and I are on this journey of parenthood together. But since J works nights, I do most of the "dirty work" (feeding, bathing, putting to bed, etc) by myself.

Motherhood isn't just the sweet moments when a sleeping child is lying on your chest. It's every moment they're awake and every moment they're asleep. I'm a full-time mom. My life has gone from being about me to being about raising this child the way the Lord wants me to. We have been given this child because it is our responsibility to teach him and show him how to do life.

It's more than the sweet moments. Motherhood is real life.


  1. I saw this over on IHF and just love, love, love it! I wish I had stopped to not only enjoy all of the "dirty work" more, but to also record it through pictures.

  2. Definitely a scene from motherhood! Cute capture!

  3. look at that face :) too mischevious :)

  4. Aww! Love this real life moment :)

  5. Kelley, you should write a just have a way of saying things! And that is still THE cutest baby EVER.


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